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The women are entitled to 10 sick days a year, so they cumulate sick days in a bank and have children after 30. Because no vacation ,no maternity, no money.. After giving birth to a baby they take 4 weeks of sick leave and then return to the work. Small child must stay with nanny (=older person who takes care of the baby and live with family) or babysitter. American children are not breast feed (=kojit), they get formula (=sunar?) which is prepared by family
Some children (usually from rich families) stay in Day care centres. Rich women could stay at home, but they also have nannies
Baby shower - it is the party which is held before child is born. Mother makes a list of things, which she needs for a baby and her friends brings it as present for baby to the party.
Many women doesn't give birth to a baby in hospital but in birthcentres - there are not doctors, only midwives (=porodní báby). But it's possible only if there are no complications
Mother stay in hospital just one day. If you want to take baby at home you must have a car seat.
If you work for the state you receive an insurance for you, your spouse (=manžel X spouses = manželka) and children. An infant is covered by mother insurance for 2 days and then you must purchase him an insurance. The basic insurance is 250 dollars per month
About 80% people in USA don't have any insurance, because it is very expensive
In Great Britain maternity leave begins 11 week before the birth and 29 days after. It is the shortest period in EU.
At an early age American children learn to do things in their own. They learn to take care of themselves by cleaning their room and spending time away from their parents (either in day care centre , with baby sitter or alone). Parents usually don't have time for their children, so they must learn how to be independent
When children are about 5 - 6 years old, they are giving chores (=domácí práce - dishes, cleaning, vacuuming ). It means that children help with household and parents pay them. Children get pocket money (=kapesné) , it teaches them how to be thrifty =to be economical (how to save money)

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