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Common adults' disease

Common adults' disease is a cold. Its symptoms are fever, cough, runny nose and sometimes also aching muscles. These symptoms are also typical for flu, which can be very dangerous. Another common disease is tonsilitis, symptoms of which are inflamed tonsils and sore throat.
We can also suffer from stomach and intestines diseases such as constipation or diarrhoea. Their symptoms can be vomiting, indigestion and stomachache. Appendicitis may be very serious if it's not recognized in time. The patient must go to hospital as soon as possible. He is then taken to the operating theater and is anaesthetized. Then a doctor operates on him. If the patient looses much blood, he is given blood transfusion. He receives blood the hospital received from blood donors. Later, a doctor removes the stitches and only a small scar remains.
Very serious are jaundice, veneral diseases, typhoid fever, plague, and cholera.
Another group of diseases is connected with weather. We can have sunstroke if we spend too much time in the sun without suntan cream, or heatstroke if it's particularly sultry. In winter, if we are not dressed properly, we can suffer from frostbites.

If we suffer from some of common diseases, we usually go to see a doctor (a GP). It's good to make an appointment with him during his office hours. But we won't probably avoid waiting in the waiting room. Then the nurse says "next please" and invites us to the doctor's consulting room. Then the nurse looks for our medical record and asks as for our insurance card. Then the dostor checks us. He usually asks what the trouble is and askes us to strip to the waist. He examines the chest and throat Then he listens to our lungs and heart and we have to take deep breath or to stop breathing. Then we open our mouth and say "Ah" so that the doctor can see if our tonsils are red. Sometimes he checks the blood pressure, feels the pulse, takes the blood count and throat culture or puts urine through lab tests. He asks us how we feel, if we have headache, a sore throat, a cough or if we are dizzy. Then he diagnoses the case and therapy and prascribes a medicine. Then we must buy at the pharmacy (at the chemist's AM).

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