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3, My daily Programme, my Hobbies

On working days

I get up at 6 o´clock and I do my morning hygiene – I clean my teeth, have a shower, do hair and make-up my face.
Then I have breakfast – mostly it´s something sweet like cookies or cornflakes.
After I go to school by bus and underground. My journey to school takes 40 minutes.
The lesson starts at 8 o´clock and finish every day otherwise. Our subjects are for example ekonomy, czech language and international business.
I have lunch at the school canteen and then I go home or somewhere with my friends.
In the afternoon I help my mum at home, walk with my dog and sometimes I study for the next day. On Monday and Wednesday I have training – I do fitbox.
In the evening I have dinner, watch TV, play on computer or read.
I go to bed at 10 o´clock.

At the weekend

I get up at 11 o´clock and again I do my morning hygiene – I clean my teeth, have a shower, do hair and make-up my face.
Then I have large breakfast – bread with cheese and ham and something sweet.
After I do something on computer and then we have good family lunch.
At the weekend I have more time for hobbies and my friends. My hobbies are sport – especially tennis, squash and bowling, reading novel and short stories, going to the cinema and so on.
On saturday I go to the pub or disko with my friends. We chatting, drinking and enojing it.
Sometimes I spend my weekend at the cottage in Orlík with my family and grandma. We go to the woods, pick up mushrooms and the we cook.
Sometimes in winter I spend my weekend in the mountains and I skiing and sledge.

Tvoření otázek, otázky přímé a nepřímé, podmětné otázky

☺ pomocí slovesa „to be“ nebo pomocí modálního slovesa – změna slovosledu
He´s at home. – Is he at home ?
They will come late. – Will they come late ?
He must do it. – Must he do it ?
☺ významové sloveso – přidáním pomocného slovesa „to do“ v příslušném tvaru
☺ přímé otázky: He goes to school. – Does he go to school ?
They come late. – Did they come late ?
☺ nepřímé otázky: He asked where I lived. (slovosled oznamovací věty)
☺ podmětné otázky: tvoří se bez pomocného slovesa – Who lives there ?


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