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The commoneweath of Australia conist of six states and two territories:

1. New South Wales /N.S.W./
2. Victoria /Vic/
3. South Australia /S.A./
4. Queensland /Qld./
5. Western Australia /W.A./
6. Tasmania /Tas./

1. The Australia Capital Territory
2. The northern Territory

Australia is an Island continend lying in the southern hemisp here between the Indean and Pacifik Oceans. It has an Area af almost 3.mil. squere miles, nearly as large as the continental U.S.A. Australia is mostly a plain with mountains in the last an south with form the Eastern Higlands stretching from Cape York to Tasmania.

Most Australia rivers are small and dry-up when there is not enouhg rain. The largest river is the MURRAY.

There are great differences between individual regions, depending on the distance from the coast - anch. on the altitude. In the Australian Alps there is snow for about half the year. The south - east is coast has a pleasant type of climate with warm summers, mild winters and good rainfall all the year round. The tropical north has hot, wet summers and warm, dry winters. The tropical forests in the north an north - east. Are displace by savana and grasslands. The south and west coast has hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. The interior has a continental type of climate with grat temperature rangers. One third of the continent is desert. The south - east is coverred with forests of eucaluptus and other evergreen frees.
There life a lot of animals in Australia. Some of them you cant find in any other country.

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