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Leisure and Hobbies

Most of us fill our leisure time with hobbies. We have many different types of hobbies. I’ve sorted hobbies in a few groups – cheap, which require minimal financial resources, expensive, and dangerous.

From cheaper hobbies I would like to mention reading books, handwork, mushrooming and some inexpensive sports like hiking or swimming. To the second category belong expensive sports like golf or tennis. To the last group belong adrenaline sports like paragliding, climbing or bungee jumping.

When I was a child I used to have much free time so I could do many activities. At first I did gymnastics for one year, then I did karate for one year too and when I was six I swam for three years. I liked swimming very much, but I had an eczema on my feet so I had to give it up.
Now I have less free time because I am in the last year of the high school. So I am going to sit the A levels in June. I have to prepare and study for the exams.
I always wanted to ride a horse, but my parents were against this. They were scared because the thought riding a horse was dangerous. I love horses very much because these animals are snuggling and so sweet.
I like travelling too. It is very interesting to learn about different cultures of different countries. But I haven’t got enough money to travel. I would like to travel when I finish school. I want to visit the United states and Great Britain, especially New York and London. I have been to Paris and Vienna. I like these cities very much because they are beautiful and historical.
Everyday when I come home I usually listen to the radio or watch TV. For me it is a way of relaxation. In the evening I watch TV nexs with my family and then we watch an interesting film or TV series.

From time to time I travel to the city and go to the cinema or to the theatre with my friends. I spend much time with my friends. We often go to a pub and play darts or billiards.
So this was about my free time and my hobbies.

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Hobbies and Leisure Time
Leisure, hobbies
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