We have 4 seasons – spring, summer, autumn, winter (all take about 3 months)
Begins in the 21th of March – time of Easter.
Nights are shorter and days longer, more sunshine, first flowers and green grass appear, trees come into blossom.
Weather changes a lot and it often rains.
Begins on the 21th of June – time of harvest in the field.
Summer holidays begin for pupils and students, people take their vacation, sky is clear and bright, it´s sunny.
Temperature rises up to 30 degrees and summer storms occur quite often .
Begins on the 23rd of September – time of harvest in the garden.
School year begins, temperature falls down, trees became bare.
It often rains and sky is often cloudy.
Begins on the 21th of December – time of Christmas and New Year celebrations.
People take their winter vacation and go to the mountains to practise winter sports (skiing, ice-skating, built snowman, sledging ...)
Temperature falls down below zero, it snows, there´s hard frost.
Adjectives – Přídavná jména a jejich stupňování
☺ mají jediný tvar – pro všechny rody a obě čísla
☺ stejné jako u stupňování příslovcí, akorát ve třetím tvaru se dává předložka THE
Hledejte v chronologicky řazené databázi studijních materiálů (starší / novější příspěvky).
9, Invitation to the Czech Republic
9, Invitation to the Czech Republic
Many various types of restaurants:
1, luxury restaurants
2, pubs
3, alehouses (pivnice)
4, wine-rooms and wine-cellars
5, tea-rooms, cafés
6, pizzerias
7, cafeterias
8, fast – foods
A typical Czech restaurant: offers pork, cabbage and dumplings with beer; beef sirloine with cream sauce and dumplings, wiener schnitzel with potatoe salad etc.
National restaurants – offer national cuisines, very popular in our days is e.g. Chinese, Italián, Greek, Indian etc.
Fast-foods – McDonald´s – they offer many types of burger e.g. cheesburger, hamburger, chickenburger etc. , KFC, Burger King ….popular especially with zouny people
We can order melas – á lá carte
- according the daily Orfee
- according menu
We begin with warm or cold starter then soap follows (vegetable, chicken, potato, mushroom, cabbage…). Then we can order main course with side-dish and desert plus coffee.
Beverages: 1, non-alcoholic – mineral water, juice, soda…
2, alcoholic – beer, wine, spirits
When we come to a restaurant – a waiter show us our table and takes our orders, then he serves us. At the end we pay our bill including a tip.
Conditional – Podmiňovací způsob
should (v 1.osobě) / would (v celém časování) + infinitiv bez „to“
- I should/would go there. You would go there.
should v 2. a 3.osobě = „měl bys“
- You should go there. Měl bys tam jít.
should / would + minulý infinitiv bez „to“
- You would have gone there. = Býval bys tam šel.
- You should have gone there. = Býval bys tam měl jít.
Many various types of restaurants:
1, luxury restaurants
2, pubs
3, alehouses (pivnice)
4, wine-rooms and wine-cellars
5, tea-rooms, cafés
6, pizzerias
7, cafeterias
8, fast – foods
A typical Czech restaurant: offers pork, cabbage and dumplings with beer; beef sirloine with cream sauce and dumplings, wiener schnitzel with potatoe salad etc.
National restaurants – offer national cuisines, very popular in our days is e.g. Chinese, Italián, Greek, Indian etc.
Fast-foods – McDonald´s – they offer many types of burger e.g. cheesburger, hamburger, chickenburger etc. , KFC, Burger King ….popular especially with zouny people
We can order melas – á lá carte
- according the daily Orfee
- according menu
We begin with warm or cold starter then soap follows (vegetable, chicken, potato, mushroom, cabbage…). Then we can order main course with side-dish and desert plus coffee.
Beverages: 1, non-alcoholic – mineral water, juice, soda…
2, alcoholic – beer, wine, spirits
When we come to a restaurant – a waiter show us our table and takes our orders, then he serves us. At the end we pay our bill including a tip.
Conditional – Podmiňovací způsob
should (v 1.osobě) / would (v celém časování) + infinitiv bez „to“
- I should/would go there. You would go there.
should v 2. a 3.osobě = „měl bys“
- You should go there. Měl bys tam jít.
should / would + minulý infinitiv bez „to“
- You would have gone there. = Býval bys tam šel.
- You should have gone there. = Býval bys tam měl jít.
8, Holidays in the Czech Republic
8, Holidays in the Czech Republic
Traditional holidays:
1, Christmas – Christmas Eve is the most important , we decorated tree, fried carp with potato
salad, we gave gifts, baked sweet...
2, Easter – We decorated eggs, Christains celebrate Christ´s death and his return to life
3, New Year´s Eve – big celebration, drink alcohol...
Holiday during the year which we remember/celebrate:
14th February – St. Valentine´s Day – people in love send each other Valentine cards and
small gifts
5th May – Prague Uprising (povstání)
8th May – the end of World War II. in Europe
2nd Sunday in May – Mother´s Day – children give their mother small gifts or cards
5th July – Jan Hus – a preacher in the Bethlem Capel and o professor of Prague University, he was condemned to death as a heretic and burnt in 1415.
6th July – Apostles of Sloves – Cyril and Methodins – they came to Great Moravia to spread
Christianity, involved Slovanic alphabet
28th October – 1918 – Czechoslovakia came into existence as an independent state
1968 – Cz. became a federation of 2 equal states
17th November – 1939 – anti-naci demonstrations – Czech universities and collages were closed
1989 – Velvet Revolutions
Minulé časy: Prostý, Průběhový a Opakování děje v minulosti
☺ minulý čas vždy vyjadřuje ukončenou minulost
SIMPLE: konstatování minulé skutečnosti (otázka a zápor pomocí DID)
a) –ed (pravidelná slovesa) – I aksed him. Did you ask him?
b) 2 tvar (nepravidelná slovesa) – He bought it. Did he buy it? He didn´t buy it.
CONTINUOUS: was/were + ing – He was playing. They were reading.
a) vyjadřuje děj, který proběhl v určitém okamžiku nebo od-do
Yesterday I was playing tennis from 5 to 6.
b) 2 nebo více dějů probíhalo současně (when, while)
While I was sleeping he was reading a book.
c) 1 děj probíhal, jiný minulý děj do něj zasáhl.
When I was walking in the park I met my friend
OPAKOVANÝ DĚJ V MINULOSTI: used to – I used to go there every week.
Traditional holidays:
1, Christmas – Christmas Eve is the most important , we decorated tree, fried carp with potato
salad, we gave gifts, baked sweet...
2, Easter – We decorated eggs, Christains celebrate Christ´s death and his return to life
3, New Year´s Eve – big celebration, drink alcohol...
Holiday during the year which we remember/celebrate:
14th February – St. Valentine´s Day – people in love send each other Valentine cards and
small gifts
5th May – Prague Uprising (povstání)
8th May – the end of World War II. in Europe
2nd Sunday in May – Mother´s Day – children give their mother small gifts or cards
5th July – Jan Hus – a preacher in the Bethlem Capel and o professor of Prague University, he was condemned to death as a heretic and burnt in 1415.
6th July – Apostles of Sloves – Cyril and Methodins – they came to Great Moravia to spread
Christianity, involved Slovanic alphabet
28th October – 1918 – Czechoslovakia came into existence as an independent state
1968 – Cz. became a federation of 2 equal states
17th November – 1939 – anti-naci demonstrations – Czech universities and collages were closed
1989 – Velvet Revolutions
Minulé časy: Prostý, Průběhový a Opakování děje v minulosti
☺ minulý čas vždy vyjadřuje ukončenou minulost
SIMPLE: konstatování minulé skutečnosti (otázka a zápor pomocí DID)
a) –ed (pravidelná slovesa) – I aksed him. Did you ask him?
b) 2 tvar (nepravidelná slovesa) – He bought it. Did he buy it? He didn´t buy it.
CONTINUOUS: was/were + ing – He was playing. They were reading.
a) vyjadřuje děj, který proběhl v určitém okamžiku nebo od-do
Yesterday I was playing tennis from 5 to 6.
b) 2 nebo více dějů probíhalo současně (when, while)
While I was sleeping he was reading a book.
c) 1 děj probíhal, jiný minulý děj do něj zasáhl.
When I was walking in the park I met my friend
OPAKOVANÝ DĚJ V MINULOSTI: used to – I used to go there every week.
7, Prague
7, Prague
The largest and the oldest city in the Czech republic.
The capital city of the Czech republic.
The seat of the President, the Parliament and the Goverment.
About 1,2 million inhabitants.
Skreads on the both banks of the Vltava river.
Prague is divided into a number of discricts.
The oldest part: The Old Town, The Lesser Town, Hradčany, Josefov, Vyšehrad.
Prague is economics and business centre – a lot of banks, offices, institutions...
Prague is centre of education and science – many schools, colleges, libraries etc. (Charles
university – 1348, founded by Charles IV.)
Prague is centre of sports – stadions, swimming pools, sport clubs...
Prague is centre of culture – theatres (the National theatre, the Estate theatre, the Open House,
Small-form theatres), cinemas, concert halls (The House of Artists, The
Smeatana´s halls), music clubs, exhibition halls, galleries, museums (The
National museum, The Technical museum).
Many culture events – e.g. Prague Spring Festival – a lot of artists all over the world,
International TV Festival „Golden Prague“ etc.
Prague is especially rich in sights and monuments – Prague Castle, St. Vitus Cathedral,
Basilique of St. George, Golden Line...
VYŠEHRAD – the first seat of Czech Kings
OLD TOWN SQUARE – the city hall with astronomical clocks (marching apostles),
monument of Jan Hus
CHARLES BRIDGE – founded by Charles IV., decorated with baroque status by Matyáš
Braun and Jan Brokoff
CHURCHES: St. Nicholas Church in the Old Town Square and in the Lesser Town Square
MODERN ARCHITECTURE: Dancing House, Congres Centre
World Order – Pořádek slov ve větě
☺ je pevný a nelze ho měnit – je významotvorný
Oznamovací věta: (PUČ) – podmět – přísudek – předmět – příslovečné určení (Z,M,Č) – (PUČ)
(Every day) I buy coffee in this book shop (every day).
Otázka: pomocné sloveso – Do you buy coffee in this shop every day ?
tázací výraz – Where do you buy coffee every day ?
kladná podmět. otázka – bez pomocného slovesa – Who buys coffee ?
Frekvenční příslovce: ta, která vyjadřují jak často se děj odehrává – always, sometimes, never,
usually, often, seldom (zřídkakdy)
I am always at home. I have never seen it. – za „to be“ pomocné sloveso
I never come late. – před významové sloveso
The largest and the oldest city in the Czech republic.
The capital city of the Czech republic.
The seat of the President, the Parliament and the Goverment.
About 1,2 million inhabitants.
Skreads on the both banks of the Vltava river.
Prague is divided into a number of discricts.
The oldest part: The Old Town, The Lesser Town, Hradčany, Josefov, Vyšehrad.
Prague is economics and business centre – a lot of banks, offices, institutions...
Prague is centre of education and science – many schools, colleges, libraries etc. (Charles
university – 1348, founded by Charles IV.)
Prague is centre of sports – stadions, swimming pools, sport clubs...
Prague is centre of culture – theatres (the National theatre, the Estate theatre, the Open House,
Small-form theatres), cinemas, concert halls (The House of Artists, The
Smeatana´s halls), music clubs, exhibition halls, galleries, museums (The
National museum, The Technical museum).
Many culture events – e.g. Prague Spring Festival – a lot of artists all over the world,
International TV Festival „Golden Prague“ etc.
Prague is especially rich in sights and monuments – Prague Castle, St. Vitus Cathedral,
Basilique of St. George, Golden Line...
VYŠEHRAD – the first seat of Czech Kings
OLD TOWN SQUARE – the city hall with astronomical clocks (marching apostles),
monument of Jan Hus
CHARLES BRIDGE – founded by Charles IV., decorated with baroque status by Matyáš
Braun and Jan Brokoff
CHURCHES: St. Nicholas Church in the Old Town Square and in the Lesser Town Square
MODERN ARCHITECTURE: Dancing House, Congres Centre
World Order – Pořádek slov ve větě
☺ je pevný a nelze ho měnit – je významotvorný
Oznamovací věta: (PUČ) – podmět – přísudek – předmět – příslovečné určení (Z,M,Č) – (PUČ)
(Every day) I buy coffee in this book shop (every day).
Otázka: pomocné sloveso – Do you buy coffee in this shop every day ?
tázací výraz – Where do you buy coffee every day ?
kladná podmět. otázka – bez pomocného slovesa – Who buys coffee ?
Frekvenční příslovce: ta, která vyjadřují jak často se děj odehrává – always, sometimes, never,
usually, often, seldom (zřídkakdy)
I am always at home. I have never seen it. – za „to be“ pomocné sloveso
I never come late. – před významové sloveso
6, The Czech Republic
6, The Czech Republic
Consists of 3 parts: Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia.
Borders with Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Austria.
Area: about 800 000 square km
Population: more than 10 millions inhabitants
Capital city: Prague (more than 1 million people)
Other big cities: Brno, Plzeň, Ostrava...
Major nationalities are the Czech and the Moriavians.
Menority groups: the Slovaks, the Poles, the Roms, the Ukrainians, the Russias...
The highest mountain is Sněžka (in the Giant mountains).
Bohemia and Moravia are quite rich in mineral springs – there is lot of spas (Františkovi
Lázně, Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně) – many tourists from all over the
world visit them every year.
Political system: republic, the head of the state is President, Parliament (the Senate and the
House of Representatives), head of goverment is Prime Minister.
Main political parties: Civic Democratic Party and Social Democratic Party.
Economy: main part of industry – engineering (cars, tractors, agricultural machines), glass
industry (cut glass as well as china), chemical industry, main products of
agriculture are wheat, fruit, hips (famous Czech beer)
Culture: a long cultural tradition – music (Smetana, Dvořák), literature (J. Seifert – Nobel
Prize Winner), film (Forman, Svěrák – Oscar Winners).
Festivals: Prague Spring, Golden Prague, International Film Festival in Karl´s Bad
Sport: hockey, football, javeline throw, shooting...
A member state of the European Union (we came in in May 2004).
The temperature difference between summers and winters is relatively high (hot summers and
cold, cloudy winters, usually with snow).
Question Tags – Tázací dovětky
☺ je-li výchozí věta kladná, dovětek je záporný a naopak:
1, He´s at home, insn´t he ?
2, He insn´t at home, is he ?
Příklady: He has got much work, hasn´t he ?
They will come, won´t they ?
She must do it, mustn´t she ?
Významové sloveso “to do” – He lives in Prague, doesn´t he ?
They came in time, didn´t they ?
She doesn´t know him, does she ?
I am late, aren´t I ?
Consists of 3 parts: Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia.
Borders with Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Austria.
Area: about 800 000 square km
Population: more than 10 millions inhabitants
Capital city: Prague (more than 1 million people)
Other big cities: Brno, Plzeň, Ostrava...
Major nationalities are the Czech and the Moriavians.
Menority groups: the Slovaks, the Poles, the Roms, the Ukrainians, the Russias...
The highest mountain is Sněžka (in the Giant mountains).
Bohemia and Moravia are quite rich in mineral springs – there is lot of spas (Františkovi
Lázně, Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně) – many tourists from all over the
world visit them every year.
Political system: republic, the head of the state is President, Parliament (the Senate and the
House of Representatives), head of goverment is Prime Minister.
Main political parties: Civic Democratic Party and Social Democratic Party.
Economy: main part of industry – engineering (cars, tractors, agricultural machines), glass
industry (cut glass as well as china), chemical industry, main products of
agriculture are wheat, fruit, hips (famous Czech beer)
Culture: a long cultural tradition – music (Smetana, Dvořák), literature (J. Seifert – Nobel
Prize Winner), film (Forman, Svěrák – Oscar Winners).
Festivals: Prague Spring, Golden Prague, International Film Festival in Karl´s Bad
Sport: hockey, football, javeline throw, shooting...
A member state of the European Union (we came in in May 2004).
The temperature difference between summers and winters is relatively high (hot summers and
cold, cloudy winters, usually with snow).
Question Tags – Tázací dovětky
☺ je-li výchozí věta kladná, dovětek je záporný a naopak:
1, He´s at home, insn´t he ?
2, He insn´t at home, is he ?
Příklady: He has got much work, hasn´t he ?
They will come, won´t they ?
She must do it, mustn´t she ?
Významové sloveso “to do” – He lives in Prague, doesn´t he ?
They came in time, didn´t they ?
She doesn´t know him, does she ?
I am late, aren´t I ?
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