I like to do sports because I have a lot of leisure time. My hobbies are fitness, my girl and computer. When I have free time I go to the fitness because I want to be muscular. My body is important part of my big name. But on first position is my girl. She is my darling. I a lot of leisure time spends with her. When I have feeling good I go to swimming or running in the park nearly my house. I like summer sports but I hate season winter sports such as skiing or figure skating. Many people like go to the disco or pub at the weekend. But I prefer go my girl and make nice evening with good film and the bottle taste wine. When is sunny day I like go to the walk at nature. But last time I’m spend a lot of leisure time studying because I want get (maturitu). This away was very hard. When I was young I do bloody sport. This is a very dangerous sport but I enjoy it. It’s called kickbox. For me it was biggest hobbies I my young life. I was champion and representative Czech republic in my weight. But every dream once finishes. When I was on top of fame I had many injuries broken nose, foot ankle and wrists. So I decided do finish this sport. But I hope that I early comeback because I’m older and experienced for my mistakes. Nowadays my big hobby is work in fitness as sport coach. I like helping people, which have problems with correct exercise there. Sport life is my big hobbies!
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Hobbies and Leisure Time
Leisure and Hobbies
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Článek podporuje:
hokejová výstroj, inline brusle, snowboard
Nic proti, ale slovosled anglický věty Ti asi moc neříká co?
OdpovědětVymazatProboha, tak tohle je jedna veliká chyba. Těch gramatických hrubek je tam opravdu nespočetně!!!!!
OdpovědětVymazatjakože..chodím do kvarty (9) a napsala bych to líp ! ;)