My name is Lukas Hubner. I was born on 26 /01/1986 in Brno. My parents hoped to have a nice girl but I was a boy. I was a sweet baby, who had curly blond hair and blue eyes.
I wore blue or white baby clothes. I was hockey child but never a mardy child. I had a lot of toys, which were given to me for my birthday or Christmas. I loved car and motorbike toys. I play with them all the time. I often ate baby pap and sunar milk and little fruit. My grandparents live in the country. They have a big homestead where there are domestic animals. Every weekend we usually went to see my grandparents. Our transport was Škoda 120. When we came to my grandmother she gave us welcome and she was hospitable. My parents helped her. When I was four my brother George was born. I had to look after my young brother. Our mother often was angry because we were udervurher. Our toys were littered about our room. Scores of the time my brother and I fought and we wouldn’t eat anything. Every Monday our grandmother came to our house. She took us to the park where there was a sandpit and swings there. I went to nursery and play school but I don’t remember anything. There were good aunts and a lot of toys there. When I was five I was given a small dog by the parents. The dog ´s name was “Jessica” but now it is dead. It was old. My next pets were: a hamster and two turtles. I loved little animals but once comes the time to die. I went to school about one year later. . My childhood fled away.
My present life is good! I have a wonderful girlfriend who I love. Last summer I obtained driving licence. And now I have a car, which is mine. At the moment I live with my grandparents but I hope that it will change. They are intelligent and kind. When I have free time I enjoy my live. Every Friday I go to the disco or pub with my girlfriend and friends. After school I go to the fitness where I built my body. Sometimes I go to work. Some money are needed. I also help my mother because she has a little baby. My worries are increasing but I’m an adult.
After my gradnation I will leave with my girlfriend for England. We will improve English language. After one year we will come back to the Czech Republic. I think I will go to university in Brno or find a good job. I’m going to marry my girlfriend and start my family. This is my capital plan, which I will realize.
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