Hledejte v chronologicky řazené databázi studijních materiálů (starší / novější příspěvky).

Health and Diseases, Human Body

1) The human body
•    skeleton = kostra consisting of about 206 bones
-    bones connected by joints = klouby
-    backbone (33 – 34 vertebrae)
-    brainpan = lebka, chest = hrudní koš
-    upper limbs = horní končetiny: arm: shoulder, upper arm, elbow = loket, forearm = předloktí, wrist = zápěstí, hand with fingers
-    fingers: thumb, forefinger, middle-finger, ring-finger, little-finger
-    lower limbs = spodní končetiny: leg: thigh = stehno, knee, calf = lýtko, ankle = kotník, foot with toes

•    muscles – 640 muscles in body
•    skin covers bones, muscles and organs

•    the head
-    brain is in brainpan – centre of thinking
-    forehead = čelo, cheeks = tváře
-    eyes: organs of sight: can be dark, brown, blue, green; people can need spectacles for near (or distant) vision or to be blind
-    nose: organ of smell: for (nasal) breathing = nosní dých.
-    ears: organs of hearing; people can be deaf = hluchý
-    mouth: tongue – organ of taste and talking, in are 32 teeth (children – deciduous = opadávající teeth), is cover by lips for drinking, suck, talk and smile too (you need 36 muscles for one smile)
-    hair: cover of the scalp: can be dark, black, brown, blonde, white in old age; skinhead
-    chin = brada: men: beard, moustache

•    the trunk = trup
-    inside are organs:
-    lungs = plíce: changing oxygen to carbon dioxide
-    heart: pumps fresh blood into the body
-    liver = játra: cleans blood
-    kidneys = ledviny: removes waste liquids = znečištěnou kapalinu from blood
-    stomach: processing of food

2) Diseases
•    typical in history:
-    plague = mor: symptoms: fever = horečka, shakes, sore joints = bolesní kloubů, bumps = boule like egg, treatment = léčba: in history: alcohol, today: vaccine
•    typical child diseases:
-    pox = neštovice: symptoms: fever, rash = vyrážka, treatment: liquid powder and tablets
•    general diseases
-    flu = chřipka: symptoms: fever, cold, cough = kašel, treatment: gargle = kloktadlo, drops and tablets
-    tonsillitis = angina: symptoms: sore throat = bolení v krku, treatment: gargle and tablets
-    cold (very typical): treatment: drops
•    untypical diseases
-    sunstroke = úpal: symptoms: fever, vomit = zvracení, treatment: tablets and sleeping
-    pneumonia  = zápal plic: symptoms: sore throat = bolení v krku, treatment: gargle and tablets
•    fatal diseases
-    cancer = rakovina: symptoms: bumps, treatment: operation or chemotherapy
-    heart stroke = infarct: symptoms: sore in left arm, in heart, bad breathing, treatment: operation
3) Treatment
-    drinking hot tea
-    eating lots of fruit with vitamin C
-    sleeping, relaxing
-    tablets, drops
-    in fatal diseases: go to the doctor

4) Accident
•    if somebody:
-    break an arm or leg: go to the hospital or doctor with him, go for an X-ray = rentgen, he gets the bones in plaster
-    has injured head: try to don’t move with him, call the doctor
-    bleed: try to stop it too, bind it the closest to the = nejblíže k heart

•    if you
-    break an arm or leg: call help, go to the hospital or doctor with him, go for an X-ray = rentgen, he gets the bones in plaster
-    has injured head: call help, do nothing alone, you must go to doctor, maybe you will have comatose
-    bleed: try to stop it too, bind it the closest to the = nejblíže k heart, don’t strain a lot of, go very quickly to doctor

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