1200s-Foundation of Oxford (1249) and Cambridge (1284) Universities.
1500 - 1700-Expansion of education provision by the Church and wealthy individuals. In England the state was slow to intervene in education - it was left to individuals and voluntary effort.
1800s-Growth of denomination schools.
1836-University of London founded since Cambridge.
1870-Education Act: school boards created, free education for children aged 5-10.
by 1900-Free education extended to children aged 13-14.
1944-Butler Act: created Ministry of Education, and free compulsory education for children to age 15. For the first time - universal secondary education.
1960s-Rapid expansion of universities.
1964-Introduction of Comprehensive school - to replace Grammar and Secondary modern school.
1969-Open University founded.
1986 - 1988-Conservative Education Reform Acts
- greater independence to individual school - National Curriculum - religious assemblies - testing of children at age 7 and 11 - change in status of colleges and polytechnics
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